Dive into the FOOD INDUSTRY


Food and beverage packaging has very strict requirements for both design and materials. Products must be displayed in the best way possible, and if the products are a part of a series, they need to have a clear visual synergy. At the same time, the packaging needs to ensure shelf life, protect the product, and maintain taste and aroma.

Perhaps we also need to include a dispenser or consider production
factors such as automatic filling lines.

Conzept international fødevarer emballage

Legal requirements

There are a lot of legal requirements for materials that is used for packaging food. Our factories have certifications that guarantee high-quality production in order to make approved packaging of food:

  • BRC (British Standard, the most common used for European products)
  • LFGB (German Standard)
  • FDA (American standard)

Product development

All details is considered

Numerous factors such as: Combining materials, functionality, product experience, assembling and filling, affect whether the packaging and the product will be successful or not. We make sure that no detail is missed and incorporate all relevant factors when developing the packaging.

emballage til piller eller pasteller

Looking for something else?

Get inspired

We work with a variety of materials including metal and paper, with a strong focus on environmental considerations. Do you, for example, desire a beautiful gift box in paper with the perfect embossing? Or perhaps a luxurious tin box with a shiny finish? We can do both. As a customer at Conzept International, you have a wide range of materials to choose from. We are happy to help find the most sustainable solution that best meets your desires and requirements.

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