Tin is a great material for packaging.

Tin packaging

It’s time to put preconceptions aside. Tin is an excellent material for packaging, even when aiming for a more sustainable solution that minimally impacts the environment. The flexible metal has been in use since ancient times, and it can still be the right choice if the packaging is to match or even enhance the product’s quality.

Emballage til krydderi

It may come as a surprise, but tin is an environmentally friendly material because it can be 100% recycled without losing quality. It just needs to be properly sorted for waste. The flexible metal can be shaped and embossed precisely as desired, making it highly suitable for food packaging – just think of beautiful tea tins and the canned mackerel in tomato sauce. The Danish Food Administration does recommend placing any leftover mackerel in a separate container. However, as outlined in their guide “Know the Chemistry,” this recommendation primarily concerns taste rather than any safety concerns.

Controlling the manufacturing

Tin boxes are often manufactured in China and Eastern Europe. Our partners live up to global standards, such as the British BRC certification, and we ensure quality and on-time delivery. Tin is a cost efficient material to use, and together with the right design, it can become so attractive that the customer chooses to reuse them. This second-life is underrated and is good news for the environment and your brand.

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