Next level packaging

To the moon honey

Packaging in cardboard

The women’s universe To The Moon, Honey has launched a new Danish beauty brand – HONEY
Conzept International ApS has designed the cardboard packaging for the first product in the series, an organic, Ecocert and Swan-labelled Body oil.

With consideration for the least possible impact on the environment and climate, we design and produce packaging for a large number of customers who want packaging that meets Ecocert and the Swan label.

The 2 certifications are a guarantee that the contents and packaging have been carefully selected in relation to cultivation, processing, production and working conditions.
Environmental considerations are taken into account throughout the product’s lifecycle, including the size and construction of the packaging, as well as the raw materials used, such as FSC®, 100% recycled, and other environmentally friendly materials. Furthermore, recyclability and correct waste sorting are also considered in the packaging design.

Sustainability and environmentally friendly packaging are high on the agenda for more and more brands, which is why we at Conzept International are happy to help you on the right path

Brand: The the moon honey
Category: Cardboard

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