Conzept International

Packaging with Passion

We design innovative packaging with a focus on sustainability. The packaging should enhance your product’s value, make an impression on customers, and leave a minimal environmental footprint.

We work with a wide range of materials

From the idea to the finished product, we will be right there for you

From the initial sketches of the packaging until your product is on the shelves: We will keep track of processes and procedures.

Order our online catalogue

You can now order our online catalogue, which is packed with ideas for your business. In the catalog, you will find a wide variety of constructions and materials, and we place great emphasis on staying current with the latest trends.


Want to read more about how we work with packaging in a specific industry? Enter your name and email address in the space provided, and we’ll send you a presentation as soon as we can.

Conzept international online katalog

Responsible production

Conzept takes social and environmental responsibility and assists customers and suppliers in choosing solutions that promote sustainability.

Our core narrative

Let’s wrap the future with care
We design and produce packaging that makes an impression. Your product needs optimal packaging, and we take pride in ensuring that the impression we leave on our customers’ experience only leaves a small imprint on the environment. We strive to develop sustainable packaging with consideration for climate, environment and working conditions, from the first sketch to the final recycling of your packaging. Partnering with us ensures that your packaging becomes an asset that increases the value of your product.
Packaging with Passion

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