Malaco ZOO

Next level packaging Packaging in cardboard Cloetta, is with the ownership of Malaco, known for many brands including Läkerol, Skippers Pipes, and Juleskum. More than 50 countries sell products from Cloetta. We created a clever kids suitcase that is available at border shops, on ferries, and in airports. The challenge was to design a packaging […]

Next level packaging Packaging in cardboard Products from the American business Ezlo Innovation enable everyone to live in “smart homes.” We had only four weeks to create and deliver Ezlo Innovation with a competitive packaging. The issue was to fix their controller in a useful and stylish packaging that looked good, could withstand shipping, and […]
NUTE Calender

Next level packaging Packaging in cardboard Since 1995, the Danish company Estate Coffee CPH has improved the taste of coffee (Estate Coffee), tea (NUTE), and chocolate (Valrhona). For the organic tea company, we created a custom lavish Christmas calendar with 24 doors. Of course, there are teabags concealed behind the doors, and the calendar can […]
To The Moon Honey

Next level packaging Packaging in cardboard The women’s universe To The Moon, Honey has launched a new Danish beauty brand – HONEYConzept International ApS has designed the cardboard packaging for the first product in the series, an organic, Ecocert and Swan-labelled Body oil. With consideration for the least possible impact on the environment and climate, […]

Next level packaging Packaging in cardboard Jewelry boxes for storing or travelling is a must. When you have had one, you will never let it go. We have created this fine jewelry box together with Dulong Fine Jewelry, with different options for their jewelry and in a superb quality. A beautiful and safe storage of […]
Ro Copenhagen

Next level packaging Packaging in cardboard At Conzept International we strive to develop sustainable packaging. RO Copenhagen, the exclusive jewelry brand, wanted a new packaging solution that utilized environmentally friendly materials while maintaining a sense of luxury. We are proud of the result! Brand: Ro CopenhagenCategory: CardboardWebsite: What materials do you need? Read about […]
Wally and Whiz

Next level packaging Packaging in cardboard At Wally and Whiz, we have recently rethought our packaging. Not only our classic and well-known tubs, but also our gift boxes. Among other things, we wanted to present our products in a new way – with a special focus on the visibility of our wine gum, storytelling and, […]

Next level packaging Packaging in cardboard For Nordthy, we have helped to optimise, develop and deliver this exclusive gift packaging. Their delicious dragee balls are beautifully displayed through each of their small windows, and make room for many different varieties.When the package is opened, the blister window is removed, and hidden below is a small […]
Matas Natur

Next level packaging Packaging in cardboard In collaboration with Matas A/S, we have developed their Christmas gift boxes 2022 to make them even more sustainable. With changes to constructions where possible – and by looking at the choice of materials, we managed to cut down on their packaging consumption and at the same time reduce […]
Harms Chocolat

Next level packaging Packaging in cardboard Our customer wanted a flexible packaging that could be used for different products. We developed a generic packaging in 2 different sizes, where the customer could change the content by using different inserts and different sleeves. The packaging could thereby be used for different products, campaigns, and price points. […]